18 Week Belly Shot

I have several friends on Facebook who for the past few weeks have been asking me to post some belly photos so they can see.  Well, I’m not an exhibitionist and never one of those girls who took a ton of self pictures standing in the mirror to add to Facebook, so I was a little hesitant, lol!  But, after one of them told me I would regret not taking weekly photos (I do weekly videos, but I guess it’s not the same), I decided it was time to steal Hubby’s iPhone and take a picture.  Here it is:
My in my 18 week glory…hahaha!  I think I’m big for 18 weeks!
After a breakfast of champions, Dunkin’ Donuts Big n’ Toasy (sooo good!) and a decaf. almond iced coffee…I’m off to organize the future nursery (it’s the ‘junk’ room right now) and hopefully start painting this afternoon.  I’ll post pictures tomorrow!

3 thoughts on “18 Week Belly Shot

  1. Shea says:

    You look great!! Good luck painting…that's never fun in my book! But maybe since it's for the nursery, it'll be different. I can't wait to see pics! =)

  2. Modern Momma says:

    Aw, thanks! I painted our guestroom 2 months ago and swore of anymore painting, but I'm re-motivated now. At least all the mistakes I made on that room, I know not to do this time around! 🙂

  3. Shirley says:

    It's true, you might just regret it. I didn't take too many for my first pregnancy, and this second time around I'm going all out (Every week since I found out). I'm not really an exhibitionist either, but I still find the experience has really been fun, especially because I get to be creative (sort of) in the shots. Your belly is so cute!

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