I’m Thankful For…My Messy House

While celebrating Thanksgiving today most of us are spending time with our families and friends and are actually taking a few moments to acknowledge what we are thankful for in our lives.  I have to admit that life has swept me up recently, making me so busy that my head won’t stop spinning…and I don’t take enough time to realize everything that I should be thankful for in my life.

I’m thankful my house is messy…yep, you read that right.

My house is messy because a little 9 month old lives in it.  She’s crawling and standing and exploring everything around her.  And due to this, things get pulled off the table and all of her toys get strewn about the floor.  I absolutely love this mess.

And you know what?  I’ve given up trying to make my home look like it’s from the inside of a Better Homes and Gardens (at least while I have a little kid, lol!).  And oddly enough, I’m fine with that.  I love walking into my family room when Mabel is upstairs taking a nap and getting a glimpse of her favorite toy on the floor.

It makes me smile.

And most importantly this year I am most thankful for Mabel joining the family.  I can’t imagine life without her.

Yesterday morning I was watching Mabel…and I mean really watching.  Not interacting but just watching her with a sense of curiosity.

I love watching her when she thinks no one is looking…

The messy hair…the tiny but slightly chubby legs in baby leggings…the pudgy cheeks…and the little grasping fingers.

Thankful that I get to witness her growth.

The look on her face when she’s trying to figure something out…the look on her face when she succeeds….the surprised look on her face when she falls on her bottom after trying to stand.

So very thankful that I was picked to be her mom.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

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