30 Weeks and Some Odds and Ends

Ta-da….30 weeks pregnant!  We’re entering the last stretch of this race.

30 weeks pregnant

Normally stripes aren’t my friend but I think this shirt still works.  I’m accepting that I’m wide and I know it.  🙂

Okay so for a 30 week roundup:

  • I’m at a total weight gain of 24 pounds (a lot less than at this point with Mabel).
  • I passed my 3 hour GD test!
  • My midwife appointments are now every 2 weeks.
  • Getting out of bed is now a major pain (literally and physically).  It requires a shimmy/roll kinda ordeal to get out…and that’s no fun when you have to pee about 3 times a night.
  • Overall, I’m not in as much pelvic pain as I was with Mabel.  My hips don’t hurt nearly as bad!
  • My rings stopped fitting about 3 weeks ago.
  • My skin has been blemish free for about a month…I’ve probably just jinxed myself.

Now onto my dose of reality…with my husband away, I haven’t had time to get things done. As in nothing baby related is done.   I’m due on the 22nd of February but could safely go into labor at 37 weeks on the 2nd of Feb…that’s too soon!!!

I don’t even have any baby clothes yet…yikes!  I’m going to kick myself soon…well either that, or just plain freak out.  And this is coming from the lady who didn’t pack her hospital/birth center bag until after my water broke last time.  Oops!

And the other major happening =  our dryer isn’t working.  I seriously have the worst luck with appliances.  Anyway, the dryer is working but there is no heat.  Talk about fun when you have toddler bedding being that needs to be dried, Mabel’s bed time is 10 mins away and you find her stuff still soaking wet in the dryer.  To top that off…our dryer is only 4 months old.  BUT after doing diagnostics with LG, they seem to think the house electric is the problem, not our dryer.  We’ve had issues with our electric tripping breakers so I almost hope that’s the issue…since that’s a way easier fix than the getting parts for the dryer (plus it’s covered under the home warranty from our landlord)!  One thing I’m thankful for is that it’s just the dryer…I mean, at least I can still wash things…I just have to get creative at finding places to lay things to dry.

Okay no more ranting from me.

Yay for 30 weeks!



8 thoughts on “30 Weeks and Some Odds and Ends

  1. Lindsay says:

    I hear you! I’m 32 weeks and counting down till work is done. Thankful for the home stretch. I find I’m way more tired this pregnancy chasing my 27m and working (I’m a nanny) She is able to come to work with me. I am due feb9th with another girl so makes easier just sitting through clothes as they are opposite seasons. Are you not having another girl? Did you not save clothes? World be perfect since they are same season? Hope your dryer get fixed soon 😉

    • Morgan says:

      I think it makes it so much better to finally hit the 30’s because you feel like there’s not too much left to go. 😉 And yep, we are having a little girl…so I guess I do have a handful of clothes left over from Mabel (I actually kept too many, lol!). But I’d still like to buy a few special new pieces just for this little girl. I need to get a move on with buying the essentials and working on the nursery!

  2. Ashley says:

    Start hanging things over the shower rod! I actually try to not use the dryer as much as possible. So it wouldn’t bother me at at all.

    Congratulations on week 30!!

    • Morgan says:

      That was my plan for tonight with a quilt I’m washing. 😉 I know it could be a lot worse…but I ordered a bunch of new bedding for our bed that just arrived…and the comforter needs to be dried in the dryer. 🙁 I guess I just have to be patient now. And thanks so much for the congrats!

  3. Colleen K says:

    You look great!!! I’ll be 30 weeks on Sunday with my first and feel like there is still so must to get done! Hoping the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly!

    • Morgan says:

      Thanks Colleen. 🙂 And the same hopes for you (smooth and easy remainder of your pregnancy)! Our little ones will be here before we know it!

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