I’m going to list symptoms so far, and yes, I pretty much copied the list from the post from a few days ago. As the wait goes on, I’m realizing why other ladies stop ‘symptom spotting’. It’s honestly driving me crazy and this is only our first real month TTC. If it’s a BFN for this month…I promise you…no symptom spotting!
1DPO – no symptoms
2DPO – dull cramps, feeling full in abdomen, lower backache
3DPO – dull cramps, feeling full in abdomen, lower backache, gas (eww, I know!)
4DPO – feeling super bloated…nothing else
5DPO – nausea in the morning, sore BBs on the sides, feeling bloated
6DPO – metallic taste in mouth (maybe I’m making this up?!), bloated, lower backache
7DPO – metallic taste on and off again, bloated, lower backache
8DPO – hardly any symptoms, BBs are tender all over (note tender, not painful), tired
*not so optimistic for this month, but it’s only round 1 so I’m ok with that 😉 *
That’s all folks…