Halfway there…cue The Little Engine That Could mantra: I think I can, I think I can. Baby #2 (still no name yet) was officially 20 weeks on Sunday and there is a light at the end of the tunnel now, I mean I guess there should be…but all can think of is how much bigger…
Category Archives: Pregnancy
I hit 19 weeks on Sunday and we had Baby #2’s anatomy scan yesterday! Mabel looked excited but she had other plans for us yesterday….more on that later. Anyway, I opted to do the Quad Screen at my last appointment (a simple test where they take a sample of your blood to determine whether you…
As most of you know, we ended up going to have an elective ultrasound yesterday to find out if Baby #2 is a boy or a girl. 🙂 And I’ve kept you all in suspense for over 24 hours for the gender reveal…I just needed to make sure all family members knew before we posted…
There will always continue to be some unknowns but I’m talking about Baby #2’s gender today. This is the last day of not knowing… Boy or Girl that is the question! We had planned on waiting until the end of this month during our anatomy scan to find out the gender but it just so…
Though I’ve felt generally more uncomfortable this pregnancy, it seems to be going a lot faster than my first. I can’t believe that I’m already 16 weeks pregnant (16 weeks and 2 days to be precise)! As I said on instagram, I’ve determined that I carry babies like beach balls unlike those women who carry…
Here we go again…round #2! Last week we ventured out to our first meeting with our new birth center here in South Carolina…and I was nervous! Not sure why, I’ve done this before and I’ve even had midwives before. I guess I was just hoping that the birth center would live up to my expectations…
Since I kept this pregnancy a secret for almost all of the first trimester, I figured a recap would be good for those of you who are interested. 😉 I hit the glorious 12 week mark tomorrow and welcome the start of the 2nd trimester. Maybe I can get some relief from my headaches, peeing…