The Great Baby Name Debate

To M or not to M…that is the question.

letter M

Figuring out the name for Baby #2 has been quite the challenge.  While we knew Mabel’s name as soon as we saw her girly parts flashed on the screen by the ultrasound tech, this little baby still has no name.  We have a handful of names we like but there is a slight complication this time around…

If you don’t already know my name, my husband’s name and Mabel’s name all begin with the letter M.  So naturally I think people expect us to stay with an M name.  We’re set with keeping with the old fashioned theme since I want Mabel’s name to go well with her sister’s…BUT some of the vintage names we’ve picked out this time around don’t begin with M.

My mom (Mom, I know you’re reading this so deal with it, lol!) seems to think that choosing an M name is the only way to go.  She thinks this little girl might feel left out when she’s old enough to realize that she’s the only one without an M name.  I don’t think it’s a huge deal and neither does my husband.  But maybe it is?

While I’m not dropping any names for you yet…we do have a front runner that is an M and 2-3 that aren’t M’s.

So what do you say…should we stick with M’s OR is another beginning letter okay?


19 thoughts on “The Great Baby Name Debate

  1. Kara says:

    My families names all begin with K, and it has been something I love growing up! My sister and I are 8 years apart but my parents loved having all of our names begin with K!

  2. Avery says:

    I definitely think I’d stick with an M name! I think she might feel left out, plus I LOVE families who name their kids names that start with the same’s unique!

  3. Haley says:

    I would choose another ‘M’ name. A family friend just had a daughter a few months ago and they named her ‘Maeve’. I know you didn’t ask for names but I thought I’d throw that out there! It seems vintage to me but it might be a bit too similar to Mabel.

  4. Jennifer says:

    My moms name starts with a J, my dad’s with an M, my brothers a C, mine a J and my sisters a C. I never really felt left out, but I do like that ours are different.
    Personally, I think you could also stick with the M’s because aren’t their birthdays going to be close together? Likely they would have the same birthstone and that would be something unique they would be able to share 🙂

  5. jess fritzges says:

    Using a non m name you love is better than an m name you feel eh about. Try thinking about explaining that some day. We liked one name, but it wasn’t our tradition. Give her the preferred name with maybe a middle m name. If it is an issue, call her the middle name

  6. Big D says:

    How can you deny Baby #2 an M name? Even your blog boasts double M’s – Modern Mommyhood 🙂 There is a pattern here………lol.

  7. Tayler says:

    my older brother’s name is Zachary, my name is Tayler, and my younger brother is Tanner. Whenever we were introduced as a group, people would always ask why Zach had been left out of the T train. I always thought that was a weird remark for people to make, and my brothers and I never felt as though our parents were trying to leave Zach out. I say choose whatever name feels right, regardless of whether or not it starts with an M.

  8. Tabatha says:

    Our last names are moore so my husband told me we had to do all “m’s” in our kids names so we did Monica Michaela and Makinly Michelle!!! LOVE IT!!
    I say stick with the “m”. Its kinda like your own cliche lol!

  9. ashley says:

    growing up me and my brother and dad all had the same initials, A.J.E.
    It was definitely cool, but not cool enough for me to do with my kids!

    If mine and my hubbys name both started with the same letter I think I def would have.

  10. Colleen says:

    I agree with Jess F and only go with an M name if you find one you really like. My mom and 2 older sisters all begin with M and mine is a C. It’s never bothered me to be the only non-M!

  11. Andrea says:

    I would definitely pick the name I liked best regardless of the letter. We have our own little Mabel and if we decide to have another we’d likely pick Miles if it’s a boy but a non-M name for a girl.

  12. Mona says:

    Me and my siblings are all M’s. Mona, Melanie, Marcus. I always loved that! My mom said, even if I would have been a boy I would have been given an M name (I belive it was Marco).
    Stick with the M 🙂

  13. Mindy says:

    My mother named all but one of us with the M theme…Mathew, Mindy, Magen and Madison. And then she named my youngest brother Dylan….he says he has mixed feelings about it.
    But do what you feel is best! Don’t settle for a “second best” name 🙂

  14. Jessica says:

    If you are not too sure about the M first name, you could always make the middle name an M name. Do what feels right to you. A theme name isn’t always the right name.

  15. Prairie Wife says:

    We are trying to name baby number 5 (die Feb) now…I wish I could say it gets easier but nope, it doesn’t! Our first child is a J and our second is a G but pronounced with a “J” sound…I never even realized it until we got preggo with #3 and then people began to ask if we were going to go with the J theme. We opted for a W and a C for the next two kids. In the end where you and your husband are also M, I think it would be cute but…what if you meet the baby and she looks like a Rose? I say go with your gut you won’t be wrong 🙂
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