Is there a perfect time to have a second child? I’ve been asked a lot lately about when we’re going to try for baby number two and I honestly have no clue…probably not anytime soon for those of you wondering. 🙂 I’m the type that tends to over think everything and factors are constantly flowing…
Category Archives: Motherhood
Mabel got into a fight with the table…and the table won. This is a direct quote from two posts ago: “I love seeing this new independence but the mom in me has a mini heart attack every time you (Mabel) stumble”. I guess it was like a self fulfilling prophecy….I gotta stop staying things like…
Before Mabel was born, my mother sent me a ton of my old clothes from when I was a baby. My husband was excited about this…he is still in love with the 80s and was bound an determined to have Mabel wear the vintage clothes. Only problem is: we forgot we had them since we…
It’s finally spring! But you wouldn’t know it….it’s still really cold outside. Will it ever get warmer?! I can’t tell you how impatient I am to take Mabel out and about. And look…she’s ready to go too! Oh little Mabel, there is a whole world out there for you to explore and I can’t wait…
Mabel was pretty excited about her new breakfast discovery this morning… As you can see she owned that little pancake. 😉 And enjoyed every bit of its warm, fluffy, blueberry goodness! And yes, I had to try them myself and they tasted deliciously homemade! And no, I was a mean mommy and didn’t give her…
Mabel is crazy about her books…and by this I mean that she finally will sit still long enough to be read to. I’ll plop her in my lap and she actually gets pretty excited! I couldn’t be more happy about this! 🙂 Up until recently she only wanted to put books in her mouth…and even…
It happened…Mabel’s first boo-boo. Here’s how everything went down (literally)…Mabel was standing by the tv, lost her balance and grabbed for the subwoofer box as she fell. She ended up hitting her lip and as it happened I swear to you, time went in slow motion. Hubby and I couldn’t get to her fast enough…