I was recently given the chance to partner with ABCmouse.com to try out their site with Mabel and share it on my blog. Well, I’m super picky about websites I choose to review but the 1st grade teacher in me had been intrigued by the site for a while and I couldn’t wait to take a peek around!
I sat down one evening to set up our account and thought it might take awhile but I was pleasantly surprised at how quick and easy it was. Just some basic info on my behalf, setting up Mabel’s info (your child’s age is what determines the activities they will get), and even a little avatar for her (you get to pick out what the child looks like and their clothes!).
Then I watched a short little intro video and we were good to go! I just had to be patient for Mabel to wake up the next morning so that I could share the site with her!
So the next morning we had some Mabel and Mommy time! Upon logging in the site greeted her, “Welcome back, Mabel!”. How neat is it that it actually says her name?! That got a smile out of her right away!
Now, I truly don’t know where to begin since there is so much you and your child can do. Older children should have no problem learning their way around the ABCmouse.com classroom, but since Mabel is on the lower end of the age range for the program, I see it as a great parent guided activity.
We explored the basics; letters and numbers. And Mabel couldn’t get enough of it!
What makes ABCmouse.com different? It’s aimed at keeping a child’s attention while giving them choices. And as a former teacher, I think that’s the major key in why it’s successful. It’s not a close-ended program…it’s all about creating a unique experience for your own child and his/her interests. Also, the program incorporates all styles of learning and by that I mean it includes a huge variety of activities that range from watching clips, hearing songs, coloring pictures, piecing puzzles together and virtual field trips (Mabel likes to go the farm and see the cows!). There are even printable activities!

One of the parts I find to be very interesting is the reward system that encourages children to continue learning. Each time a child does an educational activity they earn tickets, which can then be redeemed to ‘buy’ fish/items for their fish tank, ‘buy’ pets and related things to help take care of them, to get items for their virtual house, or to change the outfit of their avatar. And by ‘buy’ I just want you to know that it’s all ticket related, no extra money is needed! Mabel has a virtual hamster and we’ve used her tickets to buy more pieces to his tunnel system which she likes to watch him run around in and laughs when he gets fed. 🙂

I honestly can’t say enough wonderful things about this site. If you have a child between the ages of 2 through 5+ I would highly recommend taking the time to check ABCmouse.com out. There is a 30 day free trial set up on their site here so there is no excuse not to try it out with your little one!
And if you’re lucky, you could win a year subscription! ABCmouse.com has been wonderful enough to give a Modern Mommyhood reader a one year subscription which is worth $80!
The giveaway is open to anyone 18+. 🙂
My son would love the music and song activities the most
I know my daughter would love art and color plus reading!
My daughter will def love the music or anything to do with music and the colour plus reading
My son would love the music the best and also the world around us looks interesting.
My daughter would love the number games!
I actually got on the website not too long ago and wondered if it would be a good investment for Aiden! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
My daughter would love it all! If I had to choose though it would be the puzzles. Thank you!
My 2 year old son would love all the music aspects and the virtual fish tank! 🙂
My 5 yr old son is always drawing and watching how to draw videos. I think he will love the art section on abcmouse!
mia would love the customizable avatar.
Hi, my son would love books and music, I can already imagine him laughing! This would be such a great present! And it’s we can use it in Europe too yoohoo!
Clara would love all the songs… she’s completely entertained by anything with singing in it! 🙂
ben will love the music. pey will love the reading.
Sophia would love everything on the ABCmouse.com, especially books and music
My son would definitely enjoy the art and colors part of it!
My daughter would love the art and colors! She would also love the counting. She gets a kick out of people counting with her.
My son would love the “Record a Book” feature for mommy and daddy to do. He loves reading books and would find it so much fun in our voice was the ones reading it to him.
I have been looking at ABCMouse and there is so much great stuff they have to offer!! Emma loves her letters and numbers, so that would be so fun for her to have another outlet to learn!
I have been thinking about doing ABCMouse for awhile now but funds have been just too tight. I think my son would love the Songs the most!
I think my on would love the music and art best.
She’d love the music and songs!
My son would love the numbers game!!
JJ would love the music activities 🙂
My son would like the art activities the most!
My daughter would love the reading part of ABC mouse!
LOL really???? Only comments the appease you huh????
“I’m a modern momma who tells it like it is” just don’t tell people about the scam that ABCMouse is or I will delete your comment…
Hi James, as a mother and an elementary school teacher I really enjoy the supplemental benefits of ABCmouse. And of course it doesn’t take the place of reading your little one a book. 🙂 I suggest if you are having an issue with the site, that you contact them directly since I cannot do anything for you. Have a great day!
Looks like a pretty good/colorful website. I think my daughter will love number and music activities 🙂