I’ve Been Keeping a Secret…

With all of the craziness of selling our home, living in limbo in Maryland, and now moving to South Carolina…there is something that I haven’t shared with you all yet.

Super Hero Pregnancy Announcement

No…Mabel isn’t Clark Kent.  😉

But I for sure had a lot of fun taking photos of her outside in a Super Woman costume.

Super Hero Pregnancy Announcement

Super Hero Pregnancy Announcement

But you’re probably still wondering what the secret is…

So let me spill the beans.  🙂

Super Hero Pregnancy Announcement

I’m 10 weeks now, over the morning sickness (I didn’t get a lot of it), and due pretty close to when Mabel was born.

I guess we have a thing for February babies?

Super Hero Pregnancy Announcement

I could lie and say she’s super happy about being a big sister, but in reality she has no clue what’s up, lol!

Just an insanely cute pic (yes, I know I’m partial!).

So I guess the secret is out!  🙂

22 thoughts on “I’ve Been Keeping a Secret…

  1. Lianne says:

    Congrats!!! That is so exciting! And what a cute way to announce it!! What part of SC did you move to?? We are in Charleston 🙂

    Xo- lianne

    • Morgan says:

      Thanks! We’re pretty excited about it. 🙂 We actually aren’t too far away (I wish my husband would have been assigned to Charleston!). We are out at Shaw AFB.

    • Morgan says:

      Thank you! 🙂 And borrow away! I found the slogan/similar ideas on Pinterest so good ideas just keep on giving. 🙂

  2. Amber says:

    Congrats! We too are expecting. Our son will be 3 end of September and we are due the beginning of September (only 5 more weeks left!). So I guess we have this thing for September babies. HAHA!

  3. Kristie says:

    Congratulations! I am sure Mabel will be a great big sister and even though she doesn’t know it yet, she’ll love having a sibling to play with!

  4. Osha says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! Such a wonderful blessing! Mabel & my daughter Aubrie are 1 week apart in age. I first started following your vlogs during your pregnancy with Mabel as I was a week ahead of you with my pregnancy. I’m looking forward to your advice & perspective of life as a mommy of two. We’re planning to expand our family in about a year. Again congratulations! & I hope you and your family have a fantastic weekend!!

    I adore your announcement. Mabel is the cutest!

  5. Miriam says:


    Any noticeable differences in symptoms with this pregnancy than with Mabel? Can’t wait to read all about it.

  6. Caitlin says:

    Oh my gosh! How exciting 🙂
    I’m so happy for your little family! My little guy is a February baby.
    Everyone around me is having babies too, I’m getting baby fever!

  7. Mona says:

    Congratulations you guys! Great announcement, a total surprise 🙂 I can’t wait to follow your blog through another pregnancy. I’ve been there (almost) since the beginning!

  8. Colleen says:

    So exciting!! I’m due in Feb also (2/28) with my first! 🙂 I’ve been following you for about a year now because I looked online how to use Wondfo opk strips and your YouTube video popped up! Love your blog!

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