Three months arrived faster than I thought it would…but isn’t that how it always seems to go?
So what’s Miss Millie up to?
- She smiles non-stop and I’m in love with that fact that she thinks I’m hilarious. She also brightens up every.single.time Mabel is around her.
- She weighs 15 pounds. I LOVE her rolls!
- We’re still breastfeeding.
- Cooing and babbling is her new favorite thing. She even has back and forth conversations with us. 🙂
- She’s discovered her toes…she’s not quite coordinated to grab them yet but she likes to stare at them and wiggle them.
- She still only catnaps…10-20 mins is the most she’ll sleep at one time during the day which doesn’t really allow me to get much done.
- Eczema is not her friend. 🙁
What am I up to?
- I stare at Millie all the time while she’s sleeping. I guess I’m trying to soak it all in since I know she’s my last baby.
- Exhaustion is now accepted…it’s my fault though. I stay up every night until 1-2am trying to get everything done that I wasn’t able to do during the day.
- I gained a little weight and now am back up to 15 pounds to lose before I even reach my pre-pregnancy weight. So I decided to fix this issue and motivate myself to get healthy by doing this.
- I hardly have any clothes that fit me…I’m still stuck in that yucky phase where you don’t want to wear maternity anymore but pre-pregnancy clothes still don’t fit. PLUS I donated a ton of my old things so that I could get a grip on organizing our home and get rid of clutter once and for all.
And we can’t forget Mabel…
- The ‘threenage’ year is no joke. That little girl has some sass, talks up a storm (which is crazy since I was worried when she started talking very late compared to her peers), is the pickiest eater, and has become a monkey (she climbs on everything in our house which gives me a heart attack every time I catch her!).
- She loves Millie but can be jealous when her Daddy is holding Millie. She tells us that Millie needs to go to bed, lol!
- Her favorite movies currently are Hotel Transylvania and all of the Chipmunk movies.
- And I’m still debating whether or not to get her hair cut…