The time has come…for food!
We waited six whole months before introducing food this time around (we had started a little earlier with Mabel but decided to go a different route now)! She’s been showing a lot of interest in food, so I felt pretty confident she was ready to give it a try. 🙂
I’ve also been toying with the idea of making baby food myself. I had been intimidated by the idea when Mabel started solids and just thought it would be a lot more work. But a few weeks ago, Baby Brezza offered to send me their One Step Baby Food Maker and since the timing was perfect, I accepted the offer!
I was up to the challenge for them to prove me wrong about the hassle of making your own baby food!
So there it was…the little box sat in front of me and it looked too good to be true.
I added some water to the Baby Brezza’s reservoir, chopped up some sweet potatoes (they were Mabel’s first food so we figured Millie might like them too) and dropped them into the Baby Brezza.
I set the timer to 25 minutes and went on my way…the machine actually steams and blends all on its own!
Twenty five minutes later…
Perfectly pureed sweet potatoes! I blended in an extra ounce of breastmilk and Millie’s first meal was all ready to go.
Now just a heads up…I pureed one medium sweet potato and it made way more than one serving. I ended up portioning the leftovers and freezing them (I’ll discuss this in a future post for those of you who are interested).
The true test began…and so did the first bite:
There was some confusion.
And then there was some interest.
And then there was delight…and ‘Hey, gimmie more!’

This gave me the warm and fuzzies, lol! I was thrilled that she loved her first taste of real food!
And as I was cleaning up the baby food maker, I was truly impressed with how easy it had been to make Millie food from fresh vegetables! I’m pretty excited to try out new veggies, fruits and other meal combinations (there was a recipe book included that has a ton of ideas)! And the one other thing that I’m really liking is that the Baby Brezza One Step Baby Food Maker also has a reheat/defrost option for food you’ve frozen!
So stay tuned, I’m going to be posting some of our favorite baby food recipes as time goes by AND how we store the extra food I make for Millie.
What are some of your favorite foods to make for your baby?
Baby Brezza sent over one product for review and no other form of compensation. I seriously love this thing so if you’re in the market for a baby food maker, check this one out!
First of all let me say, I started first with watching you on YouTube while you were ttc Mabel. I was ttc as well, but we just got blessed with our little March 1, 2015! I am in love with making our baby food! It is the best thing ever and so easy! We usually make a big batch and freeze them in ice cube trays, and he will eat about 3 cubes of a veggie and about 3 cubes of a fruit at one sitting. I will allow the trays to freeze for about 8 hours, with foil on them, and then put them in a ziplock back labeled with the date and what it is. I am very curious to see how you store your left overs.
I have not seen much of you on You Tube, but have continued to follow you on Facebook, and now I just started reading our blogs!
The photos in your post are gorgeous– and really compliment the writing well!
Solids was an interesting adventure for us too. I respect your dedication to making your own baby foods. My son wanted nothing to do with the foods I cooked for him, but gobbled Gerber like no tomorrow. Thanks, kid.