Never Forget

WTC Memorial

I normally don’t tackle heavy subjects like September 11th for the sole fact that I don’t think I can find the words to address such a serious moment in American history…but after spending time this morning online looking through photos of that day online I was moved to write.

Everyone can remember where they were that day and what they were doing when they heard the news.

I was a junior in high school and sitting in the student center of my boarding school since I had a free period.  Several friends and I were studying when a school employee rushed over to turn the television on, which normally was banned from being turned on during the school day.  We were all confused by the blaring news coverage, smoke billowing from New York City and just the mass chaos that was flooding the screen.  We sat there with our mouths open in shock and just as we were trying to grasp what was actually happening on the live coverage…the second plane entered the screen and hit the second tower.

A 15 year old can only comprehend so much and I just couldn’t understand why this was happening…and to this day I’m not sure that I’ll ever understand why people can justify such harm against innocent people.  There simply is no justification.

My thoughts and prayers are with all of those who lost their lives that day, those who committed heroic deeds thinking about others before themselves, and everyone directly affected by the events that day.  So no matter what nationality or religion you are I urge you to take a moment today to reflect on the innocent people who were lost that day…never forget.

Where were you September 11, 2001?

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