One Word – 2016


The whole one word deal at the beginning of a new year always spreads like wildfire on social media…I can’t escape it from my friends’ feeds on Facebook. 

I get it, one word that’s supposed to sum up your goal or ideal for the year to come.  I thought it was silly and had refused to play the game.

But this year is a tad different.  Maybe I’m caving to social pressure…but in all honesty, one word has actually been popping into my mind a lot lately.  Maybe it’s a sign?

It’s not cliche like my ideas have been in the past like organization, get fit (well, that still is a goal of mine but I’m not going to tie it into my one word), or be successful.  To me, those are all goals, but not a true theme of what I want my whole year to be about.


That’s my word.


Hmm…what do I mean by evolve?

Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about who I am.
What makes me…me?
Who do I want to be?
How do I make the most of what I have?

I know, I just got super heavy on you, lol.

But not really.

Simply stated, I want to evolve rather than sitting still.

I’ve been too stuck in my routine and not reaching out as much as I want to.  I have been happy being complacent…and I’m craving a challenge for this year.

My ultimate goal this year is to evolve myself to a better me.
A better wife.
A better mom.
A better creative.
And possibly a better cook, ha!

I want to learn.  I want to make.  I want to laugh.  I want to be an inspiration for my girls.

So I’m raising a glass to 2016 and accepting my own challenge.

It’s time to evolve.

Do you have one word for 2016 and yourself?


3 thoughts on “One Word – 2016

  1. Pingback: - Modern Mommyhood

  2. Pingback: If Not Now, When? - Modernly Morgan

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