I’m sure if you’ve been reading the blog lately or following on Instagram, you’ll already know that I’ve been talking a lot about sewing lately.
I’ve rediscovered an old friend.
For too long after we moved to South Carolina, I had my sewing machine hidden away in the closet…only pulling it out a year ago to sew a crib sheet and curtains for Millie…and only be to forgotten again for another year.
And then around two months ago after being inspired by a bunch of pins on Pinterest…I figured it was time to dust off the old machine and get it going again. The only danger to this new old love is realizing how much I’m addicted to beautiful fabric. 😉
The biggest challenge that I’ve had is finding the time to sew. It pretty much doesn’t exist, lol.
But in all honesty, I sew mainly at night after everyone goes to bed and when Millie naps.
And when Millie naps, that means Mabel becomes my sewing buddy.

With my current setup…my craft room is also the guestroom. Yep, my guests get stuck living with tons of scrapbooking supplies (that I haven’t had the time to touch in months), lots of random stacks of fabrics, a cheap ironing board, and probably a toy or two of Mabel’s.
Anyway, each time I decide to sew while Millie is napping…Mabel joins me…it’s her own choice. And honestly, I get the warm and fuzzies that she’d rather be with me than watching a movie or playing in her room. She brings in a collection of her own toys and while I sew, I eavesdrop on her little conversations. And sometimes those conversations are pretty funny.
Her animals sleep on fat quarters of fabric and go on explorations under the bed.
Her toy trucks haul around fabric scraps.
She makes quilts of her own by placing scraps together.
And her she has a magical dinosaur that only eats quilts…and sometimes harasses the pug.
And I love absolutely every minute of this time.
She’s already asked when she can sew…so I’m working on figuring out a little kid friendly project that I can help her work on and allow her a sense of pride in creating something of her own.
I may have a partner in crime when it comes to hoarding fabrics. 😉