You Can’t Eat Yogurt With a Knife

yogurt with knife

You can’t eat yogurt with a knife.

Well you can…but it would be tricky not to mention a little dangerous.

Anyway, yesterday morning after Mabel went down for her nap, I grabbed my yogurt and my utensil, plopped on the couch only to realize I had grabbed a knife.

Yep, I’ve known for a while that my brain isn’t quite what it used to be pre-baby. 

Maybe it’s due to all the multitasking?  Because I’m telling you both my memory and common sense has flown out the door in a lot of situations.

Then again, it could be due to my lack of sleep.  That’s not due to Mabel anymore…I just can’t fall asleep before 1 or 2 in the morning and then I’m guaranteed to be up around 7 with the little gal.

Other things that would have never happened to me before Mabel: fashion missteps.  Like when I was at the grocery store the other week only to realize in the middle of the store that my shirt was inside out.  Yep…nothing could be done at that point.

And then yesterday:  Mabel and I took our afternoon walk around the neighborhood and only after she went to bed around 8pm did I finally have a chance to look in the mirror.  Guess what was stuck in my eyelashes?  A gnat….a dead gnat.  Really?!   Gross…I know, but I’m keeping it real.

Some days just go like that and on those days I feel like a completely different person than who I was 2 years ago.  And a thought flashes through my head:  “Who have you become?”

And the simple answer is Mabel’s mom.

mommy brain
Cuddles on the couch watching Mabel’s fave:  Sesame Street.

The reason my brain picks a knife instead of a spoon, puts my shirt on inside out, and doesn’t care to check my appearance constantly is because there is something else on my mind 95% of the time….Mabel.

So it’s okay for my brain to malfunction here and there…and it’s okay to have a dead gnat in my eyelashes for several hours (even though I hope it doesn’t happen ever again).  I guess I’ll just have to accept my post-baby brain since I wouldn’t have it any other way.  🙂

Who else suffers from ‘mommy brain’?  What’s the most random thing you’ve done because of it?


20 thoughts on “You Can’t Eat Yogurt With a Knife

  1. Amanda says:

    I put my daughter’s shorts on backwards. No one noticed except my dad several hours later. I have also recently put my shirt on backwards and had not clue until my husband pointed it out and I put random items in the refrigerator that do not belong there… at all.

    • Morgan says:

      Haha! My husband put my daughter’s onesie on backwards…he thought the snaps were decorations for the front. 🙂 I’ve also done the random items in the fridge too!

  2. Shasta says:

    My mind is totally on Rylie 98% of the time so I’ve definitely had moments like this. I tend to leave things out and more recently locked Rylie and myself out of the house. LOL.

    • Morgan says:

      Oh no! I can’t imagine getting locked out of the house! Did you have to call a locksmith or were you lucky enough to have someone with a key close by?

  3. Haley W. says:

    I went to work the other day without brushing my teeth. Disgusting, I know. I feel totally nasty. But that’s what happens when you have to be to work at 6:30am.. and get cranky child ready. Haha.

  4. lindsay says:

    I have stepped in the shower with my bra on. This has happened twice since Phoenix was born (13months). I guess I was too excited to get a shower lol Seriously it is true 95% goes to my lil girl and you do change 🙂

    • Morgan says:

      That’s priceless! I could totally see myself doing something like that! I’m hoping that I might be able to claim anther 5% back to myself, haha!

  5. Gracielle says:

    Hi, I’m Gracielle and I suffer from Mommy Brain. One time I put makeup on on one eye, and completely forgot about the other eye! The other week I wore my stinky gardening shoes to work. As long as the kids are safe, fed, and happy – all those other things kinda fall off the radar.

    Stopping by from #SITSSharefest! 🙂

    • Morgan says:

      Oh no! Were you out and about before realizing that you only did one eye? 🙂 And that’s soooo true….as long as the kids are taken care off we shouldn’t sweat the small stuff!

  6. Brittnei says:

    I definitely suffer from Mommy Brain! It’s all about this little 17 month old named JR. 🙂 I think it has to do with the multi-tasking and exactly what you are saying…they are so little so we have to constantly think about them. Even when they get older…it will be other things to be concerned about…we’re Moms…it’s the way it is 🙂

    • Morgan says:

      That’s such a good point…I’m sure I’ll have mommy brain for the rest of my life. I’m already dreading worrying abut Mabel when she goes off to college but I just have to realize….but that’s super far off and I need to try not to think about that yet! 🙂

  7. Melissa says:

    I am RIGHT there with you! I have become the world’s most forgetful person since having my son. It really frustrates me sometimes when I forget something at home (even after my husband has reminded me). But in the end I know it’s just because I’m more concerned with my son than anything else 🙂 I just hope everyone else can be patient with me & my mommy brain! lol

    • Morgan says:

      I think all other moms understand. 🙂 Or at least the should! I do a lot of knowing what I want to say and my brain just forgets the word. I’m hoping that if I start getting a little more sleep, that’ll improve!

  8. Marjorie says:

    Oh, I definitely suffer from Mommy brain. I have taken my son to daycare in my house slippers (oops). I have gotten to the end of the day and realized that I had boogers and/or spit-up on my shirt (how long has that been there?). I have put the milk in the cupboard, rather than the fridge, and discovered it the next morning.

    You are so right, though. Our minds just become so preoccupied with our little ones. I guess there is just not much room for anything else. 🙂

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