There were a lot of changes in 2012 for me and they all centered around one major milestone…becoming a mother.
I’m still speechless.

And here’s a little funny tidbit I don’t think I’ve shared before: When Mabel was born, instead of crying like almost every other woman does when she gives birth (I even thought I would be a crier)…Mabel came out and I said “Wow!“. 🙂 And to this day I’m still in amazement that my husband and I created such a perfect little being and that Mabel was part of me for 9 months.
Pretty much everything else that happened this year paled in comparison to giving birth.
But everything that happened this year was influenced by becoming a mother.
I became
a more patient person
completely understanding of the mom who has a screaming baby on a plane
less judgmental of other mommas (it’s way too easy to judge other moms when you aren’t a mom yourself)
a better cook (when I choose to cook)
more of a well rounded blogger (I guess you’ll have to be the judge of that, ha!)
an entrepreneur on Etsy (Sweet Mabel has been a success so far and I’m so thankful)
an even more supportive wife
motivated to get things done in 2013!
The list could go on and on but no one would want to read it all! 😉
So, what’s in store for 2013?
I’m not sure…no baby plans as of yet, ha! And I know we have a deployment sometime in the future…but that’s as big of a prediction as I can make right now.
All I really know for sure is that I’m ready to tackle whatever may come and I’m looking forward to watching Mabel continue to grow, making memories as her mom, and working on continuing to strengthen my amazing relationship with my husband.
I’m one lucky lady!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year and ring it in with style. And by style, I’m letting you know that my husband and I are welcoming 2013 on the couch with some cheese and crackers (and maybe a glass of champagne) while Mabel is asleep upstairs. Doesn’t get much better than that!
*Got a second to click?*
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year to you too! 😉
Happy New Year, Girl! I totally hear ya’ on the mom-judging thing… it’s so easy to judge other mommas, until BAM – you become a momma yourself and can somewhat sympathize with the occasional parental fails that sometimes occur, haha.
Happy New Year Amber! 🙂 Lol, my whole perspective changed on EVERYTHING after I became a mom. I still have moments like ‘why would she do that?!’…and then I just remind myself to chill out since everyone doesn’t have to raise their kid like mine, ha!