Halloween this year gave us a chunky monkey and a construction worker…
And you know what…that little monkey tolerated her costume for about 10 minutes before she wanted it off. 😉
Mabel on the other hand had worn her construction worker costume all week long after she had gotten home from school each day, lol! She has an obsession with this show, Mighty Machines, which is on Netflix. It’s from the mid 90’s and is about all kinds of big vehicles/transportation and what they do…so whenever she sees a construction vehicle she yells out “Mighty Machine!!!”. And in addition to that, she sees construction workers everyday on her way to school so I’m pretty sure where the idea for wanting to be a construction worker for Halloween came from.
Hey, you’re only a kid once so we let her pick whatever she wanted…and she was the only kid dressed up in construction gear that we saw all night! 🙂
We ended up walking around the neighborhood for an hour (Millie was strapped to me in a Tula…which is an awesome baby carrier if you have some extra cash to spend on one…worth every penny!) and enjoyed the time as a little family of four. I was impressed with how independent Mabel was, she was willing to walk up to doors by herself (of course we were in the driveway) and was happy to say Trick or Treat and thank you. I’m a stickler on those thank yous!
Warning – slight mommy rant…the past two years (since we’ve been in South Carolina) I’ve noticed a ton of people driving their kids door to door, like seriously driving, getting out/in, and then driving another 15 feet since our houses are super close together and doing it all over again. Now, I’m not just talking about driving kiddos into neighborhoods where they don’t live…I’m perfectly fine with that…but why not park/get out and walk with your kiddos? Also, I know there are families out there with littles who might have mobility issues but when you witness parents doing this and sitting in the car, yelling at their kids to hurry up so that they can get to the next neighborhood for more candy, I realized that this wasn’t the case. Kinda made me sad for the kiddos and the amount of people doing this surprised me…that’s all.
End rant.
Anyway…I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween and were able to enjoy some quality family time!