A Very Late 6 Months

We are just about a week shy of turning 7 months old…so without further delay, here is Miss Millie’s 6 month update:

6 months

*This picture is fitting because she’s itching her poor little arm.  Eczema is not a fun thing and no matter what we put on her skin, she still itches like mad.   She’s been having to wear long sleeves and pants so that she won’t itch her inner arms and behind her knees.  She also has to wear socks on her hands at night so she won’t scratch at her face and scalp.  It’s painful to watch.  We actually have her 6 month checkup today so I’ll let you all know what the outcome is with the doctor (we’re hoping that she prescribe some cream for her).

*Millie has a full head of hair that I can just about pull all back into one ponytail.  Crazy…she has more hair that Mabel did at this point!

*She absolutely hates being on her own…being held by me at every waking moment is what makes her happy (I would be happy with a tad more independence, lol!).  She still hates being left on her tummy since she can’t see me, so she won’t tolerate it and flips over to her back right away.

*Millie has pretty much mastered sitting but will occasionally lose her balance and fall backwards.

*Millie loves interacting with Mabel (and vice versa).  Mabel will babble to her and Millie will mimic it right back to her.

*She just stared wearing 12m jammies, onesies, and shirts…but bottoms are a whole other story.  Her waist and thighs are in a league of their own so she can wear Mabel’s shorts.  Not sure what I’ll be doing about pants…I’ll probably have to hem them since you can only roll pants up so high at the ankle before they start looking ridiculous, lol!  But don’t get me wrong, I’m loving the baby chub!  😉

*I’m only now starting to feel ‘normal’ again…and by that, I mean that my body is returning to feel like it did before I was pregnant.  Now, I’m not just talking about weight…I’m just overall feeling really good.  Not sure how to explain it other than that, lol!  Only took 6+ months!

Helloooooo seven months!

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