I teamed up with my friends at Zappos.com to bring to you today’s post.
We spent the last two weeks hustling to round up all the necessary back to school items (seriously, why do chubby pencils have to be the hardest thing in the world to find?!) Mabel needed. The summer seemed to fly by, so I was in a bit of disbelief when sorting out her pile of school supplies.
Mabel could have cared less about folders and pencil cases but when it came to shoes…that’s a whole nother story. Lol! She’s been a lover of shoes for as long as I can remember and when her new school sneakers arrived from Zappos, she had a smile that rivaled Christmas morning’s.
These are her new Stride Rite Leepz for the 2016-2017 school year. I hope her feet don’t grow too quickly…
With super vibrant colors and bright pink lights…she was begging to put them on so that she could jump around to make the lights go off. I’ll admit that I kind of had a flashback moment since they reminded me of shoes that I had in elementary school that lit up with every step.
I’m not sure she’s going to ever want to take them off. 😉
Talk about bright lights, lol! She wasn’t disappointed. 🙂
Now, you’ll notice they are from Stride Rite…a brand that I’ve posted about before and a brand that I love because every pair that I’ve purchased from them has been able to handle anything Mabel’s been able to put them through. Pretty darn impressive!
After some ‘testing out’, she’s ready to tackle gym class with her new kicks (can I still use that term? Ha!)!
If you want to snag a pair for your little one (they have several color combinations to pick from), head over to Zappos (can’t speak highly enough about them with their fast/free shipping and 365 day return policy!) to order or just check out their entire Stride Rite collection!