After reading last year’s One Word this morning, I was a bit intimidated on trying to top that one.
But I guess it’s not about trying to top last year’s word…it’s about building onto it.
As I continue to evolve…I thought about what challenges and big events I’ll face this year. And the biggest one that I kept stumbling over is the fact that we’ll be moving again. Are you tired of hearing me talk about that yet?
I’ll be the first to admit that as exciting (or sometimes not exciting) as it can be to relocate…I’m already a bit tired of it. I really just want a place to call home, a place where the girls can grow up and remember it, and frankly just not have to deal with movers breaking our things. But I knew what I was getting into when marrying someone who was in the military…and moving is just a fact of life for as long as he’s in.
So in honor of moving…my word this year is:
That’s my word of 2017. No, not like “yes, we’re open!”…more like, I want to open myself to new experiences.
Let me explain a little more in depth. The past 2.5 years, we’ve been living in a small town in South Carolina. I remember when my husband first got his orders here and I cried (yes, I cried…you would have thought I was heading into the depths of nowhereness, lol!). I even remember driving off the last exit to our new town and just being speechless of where we would be spending the next three years of our lives.
I know that sounds a bit extreme but I had lived, worked, met my husband, gotten married and completely fell in love with Colorado Springs…the town that has everything to offer! I fell into the trap of comparing all of our moves to that one town.
But back to Sumter, SC…small enough to not have any decent shopping within an hour, not a huge selection of family friendly places to visit within an hour, and so stinkin’ hot and muggy during the summer…see, I’m doing it again…complaining.
I’m determined to not spend another three years of my life focusing on what I don’t like…because it’s beyond my control and it’s just a waste of time and energy.
Life doesn’t always go as planned and my husband could very well get orders to a base located in an even smaller town this summer and I want to go into it with an OPEN mind.
I want to be open to experiencing a new state (or even possibly a new country!),
a new base,
a new town,
a new house,
a new community.
It truly is a situation of making the best of whatever the Air Force throws our way. That’s the open attitude I want this have time around!
Open just doesn’t end there though.
I want to be open and receptive to creative inspiration. I’ve been really diving head first back into sewing and truly enjoy the creative outlet it’s become for me.
I want to be open to putting myself out there. I’ve dealt with a bit of anxiety while living in South Carolina so I want to overcome that. I want to join activities and meet new people at the next base.
I want to be open to focusing on myself and being the best individual that I can be. And I mean that by allowing myself some slack, not being so critical of myself, and removing all toxic people from my life (life is too short to deal with those types of people!).
So open I’ll be.
Bring it 2017!
What’s your word for 2017…or do you have a specific goal that you’re setting for yourself?