One year to go until we PCS (move) again.
Bring on the countdown!
I’d love to say that these past two years have gone by quickly since we got orders…but I’d be lying, lol!
My husband and I met in and lived in Colorado Springs first…an amazing town and wonderful state that I fell in love with. And each move since, I’ve compared those towns to Colorado Springs…and nothing has come close. I’m an East Coast girl that now feels more at home in the mountains and zero humidity.
I’ll admit while living here in Sumter, South Carolina I’ve learned a lot about myself…like there is no denying that hot weather is not my friend! I also miss land that isn’t flat. But I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Charleston though…Millie was born there and will forever be a South Carolinian.
Oh and we did see James Taylor in concert in Columbia. 😉
If you’re a military spouse, I’m sure you can relate…there will always be a base that you’re not thrilled to be at…but you go wherever the military sends you (or your spouse). And at least there is always the looking forward to a new base in the future and the new experience that it brings. So until then, I’ll continue trying to find the things that make me happy here (like finding good southern antiques).
And if you’re wondering…for our next base, I’ve got my fingers crossed that I’ll be reunited with mountains and winters with snow…or just a brand new location other than the East Coast that I have yet to explore. Oh and a good local school system…that’s not too much to ask is it?
Do you have a location that you’ve loved living or can’t stand? Tell me! I’m betting some of you can’t stand mountains. 😉
I was living in Florida and he was in central Texas, got married moved to Texas. Then he got order to South Korea, flight was long but overall loved korea it is very different from the US. Then we got orders to Colorado Springs, love the weather and some areas but hated the altitude because I love to bake. Now we are in Phoenix Arizona, we been here two months and I hate the heat coming from Colorado’s nice weather.
If I could choose I would to go overseas while I could and while the children are young and not in School yet.