I’m soooo sorry that I have taken so long on an update! We are moving in 5 days and I can’t begin to tell you how stressed out I am. Here is my video blog update: Please know that I will post as often as I can during the move/moving-in phase over the next two…
*pic taken from Amazon.com* If you have Netflix, I recommend watching this movie! It’s on ‘watch instantly’ so you have no excuse not to watch it! Even if you don’t have Netflix…I highly recommend seeing it if you can! This documentary which is produced my Ricki Lake (you might remember her from the 90s and…
Here goes nothing…my first belly shot at 5 weeks exactly: (I feel ridiculous posting this!) No ‘baby belly’ yet! Sooo…here is the latest vlog entry: I’ve been pretty lucky so far along the lines of morning sickness…nothing too bad so far! I was nauseous for the first time this morning. Not throwing up, but just…
I dabbled in the land of maternity clothing today and yes I know it’s soon but I’m just so excited I couldn’t help myself. I found some cute capri pants and shirts from Motherhood on clearance (a favorite word of mine) at Babies’R’Us. I think I spent about $150 on 4 shirts and 4 pairs…
Yesterday I went and had my blood drawn at the clinic (when you’re a military family you have to do everything the way that Tricare wants, lol). Luckily the guy that was drawing my blood was awesome and I hardly even felt the stick. Easy peasy. Then I was told that they’d call me with…
I guess this isn’t really an update but a follow-up from yesterday. I’m still in shock and don’t believe that I really am pregnant! I went out to Walgreens and bought some more pregnancy tests…took one this morning and yep, still pregnant! I will admit I’m scared out of my mind too. Not because I’m…
I caved this morning and ended up taking a Clear Blue Digital test. Watch the video to find out what answer I got: