This post is sponsored by Zappos This past week has been nothing short of crazy. It’s been one thing after another while preparing for this transatlantic move; and sometimes when life is hectic, you just gotta embrace it! You know, go with the flow…at least that’s what I keep telling myself, lol! The girls have…
Category Archives: life
As we get closer and closer to this move becoming a reality…the more and more I find myself becoming truly excited about all the new experiences my little family is going to have. A pcs overseas might have been the best non-planned thing that’s happened to us lately! My in-laws took their last trip to…
So you might have heard; the Air Force gave my husband pcs orders to England. And I’m stressed. But at least the kids aren’t. She’s on spring break without a care in the world. And I’m just wishing to feel the same way, lol! Let’s back track a bit. We’ve known for a little less…
All my bags are packed and I’m ready to go… Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth, lol! I mean, I’m ready to leave Sumter, SC buuuut totally didn’t see what was coming. My husband got orders last week and let’s just say that I’m kind of in panic mode right now! We had…
February has been a busy month so far… Millie’s birthday. Mabel’s birthday. A visit from my in-laws. And just a handful of things that I’ve wanted to get done (mostly sewing related). Honestly…I can’t believe I have a 2 year old and a 5 year old now. I know I say something similar each year…but…
After reading last year’s One Word this morning, I was a bit intimidated on trying to top that one. But I guess it’s not about trying to top last year’s word…it’s about building onto it. As I continue to evolve…I thought about what challenges and big events I’ll face this year. And the biggest one…
Happy Holidays! Let me start by saying that I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas (or a wonderful Hanukkah too!). We had a smaller Christmas this year as we tried to limit light up/beeping/bulky and just flat out annoying toys, lol! Our goal was to gift things that would encourage the girls to…