Santa’s Greeting Block

Today is the 9th day of the #QuiltmasSpectacular and I’m giving you a free holiday quilt block! Something I’ve decided to call the ‘Santa’s Greeting’ block! Self explanatory, right?! Lol! Nothing screams Christmas than the jolly old guy saying “Ho! Ho! Ho!”…so why not turn it into a small 6″ x 6” patchwork block? Well,…

Easy Half Rectangle Triangles – HRT Tutorial

Half Rectangle Triangle Tutorial - Fast, Easy and Accurate! No math or trimming!

Half Rectangle Triangles can be a massive pain! But I’m here to tell you they can be super easy and painless! When planning my Tropical Storm Quilt pattern, I searched high and low for a good Half Rectangle Triangle (HRT) tutorial online. Each one I tried either required a bunch of math that never seemed…